Jul 7, 2010


Reviewed by Milly, 12yrs. old - Teen Book Reviewer and Sometimes Baker
Fruits Basket by Natsuki Takaya is a manga book series about a group of guys and girls that have a curse. I won't spoil it by telling you what that curse is, but it has something to do with the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. A girl named Tohru Honda finds out what the secret is and gets involved.
I borrowed this book from my good friend Alice (who loves manga).
It may say that it's a romance but i think it's comedy. I love this book sooo much that I have started reading the next one!
This is a brilliant manga series, so I'm rating it out of 5 paper dolls:
And my recipe for you this time is super easy but super delicious:
Chocolate Croissants
On weekends I often have my friends over for a sleepover and I serve them this for breakfast (it's a favourite). It's so simple and quick.
We buy a big pack of croissants from the supermarket (our store sells them in a pack of 12) and buy a big block of really nice dark chocolate (I love Lindt 50% dark, but you can use your favourite - Tilly likes white chocolate in hers).
Just slice the croissants and slip in a couple of squares of chocolate and bake on a medium heat for about 15-20mins (you just want them to heat up and melt the chocolate). When they come out you can sprinkle them with icing sugar and they taste just like the bakery ones!

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