Feb 17, 2011


Reviewed by Milly, 12yrs. old - Teen Book Reviewer and Sometimes Baker
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is a book about a girl called Bella, who has just moved to Forks (witch is not what she planned) to stay with her dad. She did not really like the school but there was this boy... she liked a lot. She does not know though...... he is a Vampire. But it's okay, because he likes her too???
When I first heard about this book it sounded sooo good that I went and bought it with my own pocket money. Some of my friends loved this series and read all of them (one friend has read the series several times). But, when I started to read, it got boring. No matter how hard I tried I did not like it because nothing seemed to happen. I probably gave up before it got good.
So, I rate it out of 5 paper dolls:
This book wasn't for me, but you might like it. And if you do please tell me what it was you liked about it.
I haven't tried this recipe yet, but maybe tomorrow I'll make some yummy plum muffins. If you use fresh fruit the plums will bleed the red colour into the batter (appropriate) and they look like hearts on the top. Here's a link to where I've found a recipe, but I figure you can use any muffin recipe and just add plums (cherries might work too).

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